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निजी क्षेत्र की बीमा कंपनियां
विदेशी पुनर्बीमा शाखाएं
पेंशन सुधार
अधिनियम व नियम
पेंशन निधि विनियामक और विकास प्राधिकरण (पीएफआरडीए)
राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली (एनपीएस)
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अन्य योजनाएं
सार्वजनिक वित्तीय संस्थाएं
इंडिया इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर फाइनेंस कंपनी लिमिटेड (आईआईएफसीएल)
भारतीय निर्यात-आयात बैंक (एक्जिम बैंक)
भारतीय लघु उद्योग विकास बैंक (सिडबी)
राष्ट्रीय आवास बैंक (एनएचबी)
राष्ट्रीय कृषि और ग्रामीण विकास बैंक (नाबार्ड)
भारतीय औद्योगिक वित्त निगम (आईएफसीआई)
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Status of Annual Reports & Audited Accounts
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बीमा विधि
अधिनियम व नियम
इस पेज के अंग्रेजी संस्करण के लिए कृपया इस लिंक पर
क्लिक करे
संबंधित नियम/योजना/आदेश
The Actuaries Act, 2006 (333.54 किलोबाइट)
The Actuaries (Nomination of Members to the Council) Rules, 2008 (637.53 किलोबाइट)
The Actuaries (Quality Review Board Procedure of Meeting, and terms and conditions of service) Rules, 2008 (637.53 किलोबाइट)
The Actuaries Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances & Other terms and conditions of Presiding officers and members) Rules, 2008 (637.53 किलोबाइट)
The Actuaries (Procedure for inquiry of Professional and Other Misconduct) amendment Rules, 2008 (458.07 किलोबाइट)
The Actuaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2021 (in supersession of old rule framed vide GSR 494(E) dated 2.7.2008) (1.59 मेगा बाइट)
The Actuaries (Procedure for inquiry of Professional and Other Misconduct) amendment Rules, 2021 (1.21 मेगा बाइट)
The Institute of Actuaries of India (Maintenance of Register, Publication of List and Re-entry of Names in Register of Members) (1.9 मेगा बाइट)
The Institute of Actuaries of India (Transaction of Business at meetings of Council) Regulation, 2011 (490.04 किलोबाइट)
The Institute of Actuaries of India (Admission as member and Issuance of Certificate of Practice) Regulations, 2017 (1.71 मेगा बाइट)
The Institute of Actuaries of India (Conditions of Service of employees) Regulations, 2017 (1.68 मेगा बाइट)
The Institute of Actuaries of India (Transaction of Business at meeting of the Council) Amendment Regulations, 2019 (333.89 किलोबाइट)
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act. 1999 (569.13 किलोबाइट)
Insurance Advisory Commitee (Meeting) Regulations, 2000 (440.87 किलोबाइट)
IRDA (Meetings) Regulations,2000 (828.67 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI Staff (Officers And Other Employees) Regulations, 2016 (1.2 मेगा बाइट)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Insurance Advisory Committee) Regulations, 2000 (216.78 किलोबाइट)
IRDA (Meetings) Regulations 2000 (402.24 किलोबाइट)
The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (344.67 किलोबाइट)
General Insurance (Rationalisation of Pay Scales and other Conditions of Service of Officers) Amendment Scheme, 2024. (1.72 मेगा बाइट)
The Life Insurance Corporation Act,1956 (534.31 किलोबाइट)
Life Insurance Corporation Rules, 1956 (142.26 किलोबाइट)
Life Insurance Corporation of India (Shareholder's Director) regulation, 2023 (846.65 किलोबाइट)
Life Insurance Corporation General Regulations, 2021 (1.89 मेगा बाइट)
Life Insurance Corporation General Rules, 1956 - Last amended on 4.3.2022 (327.71 किलोबाइट)
Life Insurance Corporation of India (Agents) Regulations, 2017 (1.93 मेगा बाइट)
Life Insurance Corporation of India wage revision notification 1956 (G.S.R 256-E to G.S.R 263-E , 30/04/2024) (1.93 मेगा बाइट)
Insurance Act, 1938 and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (2.94 किलोबाइट)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Re-insurance) Regulations, 2018 (753.13 किलोबाइट)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Registration and Operations of Branch Offices of Foreign Reinsurers (578.25 किलोबाइट)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Lloyd’s India) Regulations, 2016 (1) (797.58 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox) (Amendment)Regulations, 2021 (1.67 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI Insurance Advertisements and Disclosure Regulations, 2021 (1.73 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Manner of Assessment of Compensation to Shareholders or Members on Amalgamation) Regulations 2021 (1.68 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2021 (1.17 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Brokers) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 (758.23 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 (279.21 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Unit linked) Regulations, 2019 (750.27 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Non-linked Products) Regulations, 2019 (552.6 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (748.29 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Services by Common Public Service Centres) Regulations. 2019 (537.1 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Intermediaries) (Amendment) Regulations. 2019 (366.46 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Health Insurance) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 (336.9 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (TPA- Heath Servces) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 (395.53 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Brokers) Regulations, 2018 (3.78 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Standard Proposal Form for Life Insurance) (Repeal) Regulations. 2018 (1.64 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Reinsurance) Regulations, 2018 (541.2 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Payment of commission or remuneration or reward to insurance agents and insurance intermediaries) (Second Amendment) (1.72 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Protection of Policy holders’ Interest) Regulations, 2017 (1.77 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors)(First Amendment) Regulations, 2017 (1.47 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Appointed Actuary) Regulations, 2017 (1.77 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Outsourcing of Activities by Indian Insurers) Regulations 2017 (796.62 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Web Aggregators) Regulations, 2017 (1.16 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Payment of commission or Remuneration or reward to insurance agents and insurance intermediaries) (First Amendment) (1.13 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Payment of Commission or Remuneration or Reward to Insurance Agents and Insurance Intermediaries) Regulations, 2016 (309.75 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration and Operations of Branch Offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd’s) (First Amendment), 2016 (73.1 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Inspection and Fee for Supply of Copies of Returns) Regulations. 2016 (157.85 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2016 (1.01 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Lloyd's India) Regulations, 2016 (826.16 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (TPA Heath Services) Regulations, 2016 (621.42 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Assets, Liabilities, and Solvency Margin of Life Insurance Business) Regulations, 2016 (544.41 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Qualification of Actuary) (Repeal) Regulations. 2016 (61.23 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Assets, Liabilities, and Solvency Margin of Life Insurance Business) |Regulations, 2016 (544.41 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Appointment of Insurance Agents) Regulations. 2016 (551.69 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Expenses of Management of Insurers transacting General a Health insurance Business) Regulations, 2016 (369.81 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Loans or Temporary advances to Full-time Employees of Insurers) Regulations, 2016 (157.69 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Expenses of Management of Insurers transacting life insurance business) Regulations, 2016 (448.98 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Issuance of e-Insurance Policies)Regulations, 2016 (227.17 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 (410.53 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) Eighth Amendment Regulations, 2016 (57.63 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Issuance of e-insurance policies) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2016 (1.02 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Registration and Operations of Branch Offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd)(Second Amendment) Regulations, 2016 (1019.24 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Licensing of Banks as Insurance Brokers) Regulations, 2013 (2.18 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) Regulations, 2015 (874.95 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Micro Insurance) Regulations, 2015 (7.45 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Transfer of Equity Shares of insurance Companies) Regulations 2015 (6.48 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Obligation of Insurer in respect of Motor Third Party insurance Business) Regulations,2015 (211.04 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Maintenance of Insurance Records) Regulations, 2015 (167.99 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Obligations of Insurers to Rural and Social sectors) Regulations, 2015 (260.26 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Minimum Limits for Annuities and other beniefits) Regulations. 2015 (130.41 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Acquisition of Surrender and Paid up values) Regulations, 2015 (193.95 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration and Operations of Branch Offices of Foreign Reinsurers other than Lloyd's) Regulations, 2015 (686.09 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors) Regulations, 2015 (955.5 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Other Forms of Capital) Regulations, 2015 (207.57 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Issuance of Capital by Indian Insurance Companies transacting other than Life Insurance business) Regulations, 2015 (429.74 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (lssuance of Capital by Indian lnsurance Companies transacting Life Insurance business) Regulations, 2015 (605.35 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Actuarial Report and Abstract for Life insurance Business) Regulations 2016 (1.31 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Scheme of Amalgamation and Transfer of Life Insurance Business) Regulations, 2013 (714.63 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Sharing of confidential Information concerning domestic or foreign entity) Regulations, 2012 (616.6 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Scheme of Amalgamation and Transfer of General Insurance Business) Regulations, 2011 (1.39 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Sharing of Database for Distribution of Insurance Products) Regulations, 2010 (675.86 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Treatment of Discontinued Linked Insurance policies) Regulations, 2010 (340.06 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration of Indian lnsurance Companies) Regulations, 2000 (2.09 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Registration and operations of Foreign Reinsurers Branches and Lloyd's India) Regulations, 2024 (1.09 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm) Regulations, 2015 (922.94 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Registration, capital structure, transfer of shares and amalgamation of insurers) Regulations, 2024 (1.66 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox) Regulations, 2019 (302.85 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Re-Insurance Advisory Committee) Regulations, 2019 (359.91 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Rural, social sector and Motor third party obligations) Regulations, 2024 (1.31 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Surveyors and loss assessors) Regulations, 2015 (781.25 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Third Party Administrators - Health Services) Regulations, 2016 (988.53 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI(Regn of Corporate Agents) Regulations-2015 (1.4 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Third Party Administrators - Health Services) Regulations, 2016 (988.53 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI(Regn of Corporate Agents) Regulations-2015 (1.4 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Bima Sugam- Insurance Electronic Marketplace) Regulations, 2024 (1.2 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Corporate Governance for Insurers) Regulations, 2024 (1.22 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Brokers) Regulations 2018 (446.63 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Products) Regulations, 2024 (1.1 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Minimum Information Required for Investigation and Inspection) Regulations, 2020 (1.97 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Services by Common Public Service Centers) Regulations, 2019 (748.29 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Maintenance of Insurance Records) Regulations, 2015 (255.49 किलोबाइट)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Sharing of Confidential Information concerning domestic or foreign Entity) Regul (233.46 किलोबाइट)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Re-insurance) Regulations, 2018 (797.58 किलोबाइट)
IRDA (Sharing of Database for Distribution of Insurance Products) Regulations, 2010 (1.05 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Insurance Web Aggregators) Regulations, 2017 (1.28 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Protection of Policyholder's Interests, operations and allied matters of insurers) Regulations, 2024 (1.57 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Protection of Policyholder's Interests, operations and allied matters of insurers) Regulations, 2024-01 (1.57 मेगा बाइट)
IRDA (Licencing of Banks as Insurance Brokers) Regulations, 2013 (1.98 मेगा बाइट)
Insurance Act 1938 (957.59 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2021 (1.17 मेगा बाइट)
IRDAI (Re-insurance Advisory Committee) Regulations, 2019 (359.91 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Expenses of Management of Insurers transacting life insurance business) Regulations, 2016 (448.98 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Expenses of Management of Insurers transacting General or Health Insurance business) Regulations, 2016 (369.81 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Fee for registering cancellation or change of nomination) Regulations, 2015 (367.47 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Fee for granting written acknowledgement of receipt of Notice of Assignment or Transfer) Regulation, 2015 (656.02 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Investment) Regulations, 2016 (1018.75 किलोबाइट)
IRDAI (Places of Business) Regulations, 2015 (992.74 किलोबाइट)
IRDA (Manner of Receipt of Premium)Regulations 2002 (236.9 किलोबाइट)
IRDA (Distributlons of Surplus) Regulations 2002 (206.03 किलोबाइट)